Efforts to Promote Youth Employment


Promotion of youth employment (Youth Yell certified company)

We are actively recruiting and training young talent.Even after joining the company, we strive to create an environment where employees can be active from a young age and feel rewarded by the company's support.
In addition, with the aim of becoming a company where employees can lead a fulfilling life both at work and in their private lives, we are working to create an environment that is easy to work in by enhancing internal systems that match the times.
As a result of these efforts, in June 2016, we were certified by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as a “Youth Yell Company” (the first company in Shikoku), and received a certificate from the Director of the Kagawa Labor Bureau.
We will continue to improve recruitment and training, create a comfortable working environment, and create a company that can contribute to society.

(We refer to human resources as human resources.)

certification mark

What is Youth Yell Company Certification?

A system in which the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare certifies small and medium-sized enterprises that are active in hiring and training young people and have excellent employment management conditions for young people as "Youth Yell Certified Companies" based on the Youth Employment Promotion Act.It is necessary to meet all of the standards such as the retention rate of young people, the rate of taking paid holidays, the average annual overtime hours, and the rate of taking childcare leave, which are certification conditions.